Advanced Care Nursing At Home with LiveFly Healthcare

At LiveFly Healthcare, we understand that some health conditions require specialized and personalized care within the familiar and comforting environment of one’s home. Our Advance Care Nursing At Home service is designed to meet the unique healthcare needs of individuals who may be recovering from surgery, managing chronic illnesses, or requiring complex medical treatments.

Services We Provide

More About Us

Vital Parameter’s Monitoring

Regular monitoring of vital signs to ensure proactive health management.

Patient Hygiene Maintenance

Comprehensive care covering bathing, catheter care, and oral hygiene.

Back Care and Position Change

Preventing bedsores and promoting patient comfort through regular position changes.


Administering respiratory treatments for conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Professional catheter care for those requiring urinary catheters.

Oral Suction

Providing essential oral care for patients with respiratory issues.

Inhaler Therapy

Managing respiratory conditions through proper inhaler therapy.

Ryles Tube Feeding / Insertion

Expert handling of tube feeding procedures.

BiPAP /C-PAP Handling

Skilled management of BiPAP and C-PAP devices for respiratory support.

CBG Monitoring and Insulin Administration

Expert handling of diabetes care, including continuous glucose monitoring and insulin administration.

Bed Making

Ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for the patient.

Helping For Patient Mobilization

Assisting patients in safe and controlled movements to promote mobility.

Medication Administration

Expert handling of medication administration, including oral, intramuscular, intravenous, and intradermal routes.

Oxygen Administration

Administering oxygen therapy for patients with respiratory conditions.

Wound Dressing

Expert care for various types of wounds, including bed sores, surgical wounds, and burns.

Suction Procedure

Performing necessary suction procedures for patients with respiratory difficulties.

EG Tube Feeding

Administering nutrition through Enteral Gastrostomy (EG) tube.

EG Tube Feeding

Administering nutrition through Enteral Gastrostomy (EG) tube.

Regular monitoring of vital signs to ensure proactive health management.

Expert handling of diabetes care, including continuous glucose monitoring and insulin administration.

Comprehensive care covering bathing, catheter care, and oral hygiene.

Ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for the patient.

Preventing bedsores and promoting patient comfort through regular position changes.

 Assisting patients in safe and controlled movements to promote mobility.

Administering respiratory treatments for conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Expert handling of medication administration, including oral, intramuscular, intravenous, and intradermal routes.

Professional catheter care for those requiring urinary catheters.

Administering oxygen therapy for patients with respiratory conditions.

Providing essential oral care for patients with respiratory issues.

Expert care for various types of wounds, including bed sores, surgical wounds, and burns.

Managing respiratory conditions through proper inhaler therapy.

Performing necessary suction procedures for patients with respiratory difficulties.

Expert handling of tube feeding procedures.

Administering nutrition through Enteral Gastrostomy (PEG) tube.

Skilled management of BiPAP and C-PAP devices for respiratory support.

Why Choose LiveFly Healthcare

We understand the unique needs of each patient and provide tailored solutions to ensure the highest level of comfort and care.

We not only cater to the patient’s needs but also consider the well-being of the entire family by offering holistic concierge-like services.

Beyond healthcare, we assist with logistics and clerical needs, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both patients and their families.

LiveFly Healthcare extends its services to pin codes where other providers may be unwilling, ensuring that everyone has access to quality home healthcare.

Our Value Proposition

Value to Individuals

Quality care at home. Especially for-
1)Elderly persons who needs a little assistance around the house in order to remain independent.

2)Person with a medical condition that may not need a visit to the clinic but can be managed with visiting nurse or remote monitoring check-ups.

3)Patients recovering from a surgery or accident and require physiotherapy and other services.

Value to Policymakers

In an era of health care reform and system transformation we can provide huge value to policy makers.

1)Staying at home is not simply a patient preference, but it is also a financially efficient option for public payers as home health care can prevent or delay hospitalizations and facility-based care that drive up costs. .

2)With our solution burden on these policy makers will decrease.

Value of Families

1)Family member with severe medical conditions are cared for .

2)Families with peace of mind with services provided in the home, which is the most comfortable and familiar setting for a patient.

Value to Healthcare Providers

1)Higher patient satisfaction rate

2)Reduced costs

3)Greater convenience to physicians maintain patient health at home

4)We aim to reduce re-hospitalizations and increase adherence to medication regimens










Choose LiveFly Healthcare for a compassionate and comprehensive approach to advanced care nursing at home. Your health, our priority.

About US

We are Livefly Health Care, bring in tailor made professional and innovative home healthcare services, available 24/7 at your doorstep.We understand the importance of care needed by people with chronic  conditions or disabilities and we aim to provide ‘cure at Home.’ Our team of skilled professionals are available at  your service and care for you at your convenience and need.

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